Let’s do business together
Faire des affaires ensemble – Samen zakendoen
Let’s do business together
Faire des affaires ensemble – Samen zakendoen

Let’s do business together
Bring your own expert / native speaker
Get more out of your trade missions and meetings
Understand what’s going on
Close that deal; sign that agreement

A multilingual expert will help you make the most of your business conversations

Do you have an important meeting coming up abroad? Is it important to get all the details right? Is it equally important, not only that that you understand everything that is said, but also that the other party understands all that you say?
Bring along your own multilingual expert who knows how your business works. Be confident that the conversation is clear and all documents are correct.

Ask advice
We will be happy to help you deal with the not insignificant cultural differences and language barriers such that you can move your business forward abroad.
Seek advice on how to be successful abroad.
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