Other languages

Do business in English, German or another foreign language

If you are looking for a language course in English, German or another language for yourself or for colleagues, we are very happy to tailor one to your specific needs. By learning the language, you will gain a better understanding of the culture of the country in question and thus broaden your (business) horizons. Our trainers are highly skilled communication professionals with experience in various business areas, such as healthcare, the legal profession, agriculture, the hotel industry, etc. Whatever your goal, we ensure that you will be able to work successfully in a new language.



After your course:

  • you will speak and understand Dutch much better
  • you will be more confident in conversations with foreign speakers
  • you will be able to present yourself and your company or organisation optimally
  • you will know all about the new culture and how you can respond to the differences with your own culture
  • you will be able to communicate, negotiate and collaborate effectively



The following skills will be trained

  • Communicate in the foreign language about subjects that are essential for your work
  • Respond correctly during conversations with foreign professionals
  • Prepare presentations and trade fair presence
  • Listen to conversations
  • Write emails, letters, contracts and proposals in the foreign language
  • Acquire knowledge about manners and the new culture
  • Negotiate and close deals in the foreign language

This is what you will learn:

Whatever your position – director, sales manager, HR manager, engineer, technician, IT specialist, etc.. etc.. – we start at your level. It is important for us to know in advance in which area of industry you work. Each training is unique and is custom developed!

A training starts with the preparation of an elevator pitch in the foreign language: who are you, what do you do, what do you have to offer. So the practice starts straight away. After that, we will go into greater depth so that you can speak, listen and respond better and faster during conversations and presentations.





The courses take place online or at one of our training facilities: Amsterdam, The Hague, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Utrecht.

Training can also be given at your own company premises if preferred.

Types of training

Intensive training

The intensive training course is intended to prepare you for doing business abroad within a few weeks, even as little as one week. This is especially useful if you need to gain language knowledge quickly and thoroughly, for example for a trade show, a presentation or a new position.

Flexibel training

During this training your planning your personal schedule is the driver and we adapt to your needs and availability. We spread the training over a number of days or parts that suit you best, building in enough space to practice and study in the meantime.

Group training

We provide training both in-company and group training at any of our locations. We work with small groups allowing us to monitor individual progress and make adjustments where necessary. Everyone will reach his or her desired level.

Online training

Wherever you are in the world, we can also provide all types of training online. We can meet you seamlessly via Zoom, Teams, Skype or any other application. Individually or in small groups and for all levels.


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